
  • James Remington Krause Brigham Young University



This study highlights the relationship between the digital-age practices of sampling and remix and the literary and theoretical notions of parodic adaptation in three contemporary Brazilian mashup novels: O alienista, caçador de mutantes, by Natália Klein; Dom Casmurro e os discos voadores, by Lúcio Manfredi; and Memórias desmortas de Brás Cubas, by Pedro Vieira. Following the example established by Seth Grahame-Smith’s Pride and Prejudice and Zombies (2009), each author adapts and recasts Machado de Assis’s original novels within a context of science fiction, fantasy, or horror. In addition to the numerous intertextual and intermedial references to popular culture, each mashup explores contemporary cultural issues, relevant to young adult readers in Brazil.

Keywords: Remixagem. Mashup. Adaptação. Paródia. Machado de Assis.


Biografia do Autor

James Remington Krause, Brigham Young University

College of Humanities

Department of Spanish and Portuguese


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DOI: 10.5935/1679-5520.20170006


